30 Days of Purpose
IT IS EASY TO FEEL DISTRACTED & UNABLE TO FOCUS ON WHAT REALLY MATTERS especially during times of worry and exhaustion. The Lifeline Team has worked together to create this 30 day plan of reading the Bible, praying, and practicing our faith as a way to help us focus on God. We wrote this plan with students, volunteers, and parents in mind so everyone is invited to use this devotional. Share what you are learning and experiencing during these 30 days with your family or friends!
Practice for days 1-6: Unplug
Disconnect from all forms of technology for one hour to be more intentional and present with the time that God has given you. Take some time to remember who you are and what God says about you in His Word. Tune out the other voices that might make that difficult and ground yourself in scripture.
Day 1
Passage: Matthew 6: 25-34
Practice: Unplug— disconnect from all forms of technology for one hour to be more intentional and present with the time that God has given you.
Prayer: Ask God to give you the strength to trust Him and His plans no matter what.
Day 2
Passage: Ephesians 2: 1-9
Practice: Unplug—disconnect from all forms of technology for one hour to be more intentional and present with the time that God has given you.
Prayer: Praise God for His love for you. Name the specific ways you have seen Him love you throughout this season of your life.
Day 3
Passage: Romans 12: 9-21
Practice: Unplug— disconnect from all forms of technology for one hour to be more intentional and present with the time that God has given you.
Prayer: Ask God to help you love and serve those who frustrate you right now. Ask God for patience and grace for those who you feel bitter towards.
Day 4
Passage: Luke 10: 38-42
Practice: Unplug—disconnect from all forms of technology for one hour to be more intentional and present with the time that God has given you.
Prayer: Talk to God about the things that are worrying or upsetting you. Tell Him about the things that are distracting you from being like Mary today. Lay all those things at His feet.
Day 5
Passage: Zephaniah 3:17
Practice: Unplug—disconnect from all forms of technology for one hour to be more intentional and present with the time that God has given you.
Prayer: Praise God for the way that He has created you and rejoices over you! He made you in His image and takes great delight in you, thank Him for specific giftings and characteristics He gave you.
Day 6
Passage: Galatians 6: 9-10
Practice: Unplug—disconnect from all forms of technology for one hour to be more intentional and present with the time that God has given you.
Prayer: Ask God to show you ways to shine His goodness through you. Pray that He would make obvious the ways in which we can do good works, whether at home, in school, at work, or within our friendships and our families.
Practice for days 7-12: Get outside
It can be easy to wait for time to pass as we look forward to the future instead of enjoying the good gifts that God has given us. Take a few minutes each day to truly enjoy being outdoors and recognize the goodness of God through the sunshine, fresh air, and birds chirping.
Day 7
Passage: Galatians 5:13-14
Practice: Get outside— Enjoy the outdoors! Find beauty in God’s creation for 15-20 minutes.
Prayer: Pray for your eyes and ears to be open to the needs of your family, friends and those in your neighborhood.
Day 8
Passage: Isaiah 58:11
Practice: Get outside— Enjoy the outdoors! Find beauty in God’s creation for 15-20 minutes.
Prayer: Say a prayer of thanks for things God has provided for you during this time. List 3 specific things.
Day 9
Passage: Hebrews 13:8
Practice: Get outside— Enjoy the outdoors! Find beauty in God’s creation for 15-20 minutes.
Prayer: Reflect on the ways that God has been constant in your life recently amidst any changes and uncertainty.
Day 10
Passage: Psalm 96:11-12
Practice: Get outside— Enjoy the outdoors! Find beauty in God’s creation for 15-20 minutes.
Pray: Express your gratitude for the life in your surroundings and the beauty of the current season.
Day 11
Passage: Romans 12:13
Practice: Get outside— Enjoy the outdoors! Find beauty in God’s creation for 15-20 minutes.
Pray: Serve the local organizations in our community by lifting them up in prayer and thanking the Lord for the work they do.
Day 12
Passage: John 16:33
Practice: Get outside— Enjoy the outdoors! Find beauty in God’s creation for 15-20 minutes.
Pray: Talk to God about how you are feeling today and thank Him for the peace He provides each day.
Practice for days 13-15: Slow down
Participate in a guided prayer daily by listening to the scripture of the day as it is read to you (we recommend sloprayer.com or the Slo Prayer podcast). The passage will be read several times. Be intentional in listening to it each time. As you listen, focus on a word or phrase that might stick out to you. Be open to God sharing something new with you as you listen.
Day 13
Passage: Psalm 37:1-11 (episode 49 on the Slo Prayer podcast or sloprayer.com)
Practice: Slow down with guided prayer. Listen to scripture being read and be intentional about listening each time. Reflect and take in God’s Word.
Prayer: Prayer is just a conversation with God. Guided prayers like these give you the opportunity to both listen to God and tell God whatever you want. Enjoy time with Him and rest in His presence.
Day 14
Passage: Psalm 139:13-18 (episode 14 on the Slo Prayer podcast or sloprayer.com)
Practice: Slow down with guided prayer. Listen to scripture being read and be intentional about listening each time. Reflect and take in God’s Word.
Prayer: Prayer is just a conversation with God. Guided prayers like these give you the opportunity to both listen to God and tell God whatever you want. Enjoy time with Him and rest in His presence.
Day 15
Passage: Philippians 4:4-9 (episode 30 on the Slo Prayer podcast or sloprayer.com)
Practice: Slow down with guided prayer. Listen to scripture being read and be intentional about listening each time. Reflect and take in God’s Word.
Prayer: Prayer is just a conversation with God. Guided prayers like these give you the opportunity to both listen to God and tell God whatever you want. Enjoy time with Him and rest in His presence.
Day 16
Passage: Hebrews 12:1-3 (episode 46 on the Slo Prayer podcast or sloprayer.com)
Practice: Slow down with guided prayer. Listen to scripture being read and be intentional about listening each time. Reflect and take in God’s Word.
Prayer: Prayer is just a conversation with God. Guided prayers like these give you the opportunity to both listen to God and tell God whatever you want. Enjoy time with Him and rest in His presence.
Day 17
Passage: Psalm 34:1-10 (episode 45 on the Slo Prayer podcast or sloprayer.com)
Practice: Slow down with guided prayer. Listen to scripture being read and be intentional about listening each time. Reflect and take in God’s Word.
Prayer: Prayer is just a conversation with God. Guided prayers like these give you the opportunity to both listen to God and tell God whatever you want. Enjoy time with Him and rest in His presence.
Practice for days 18-24: Serve
Your routine may look different or very normal right now! You have the opportunity, even in the normal and mundane, to bless someone in your house or neighborhood etc. How can you bless someone today? (empty the dishwasher if it’s not your turn, write a letter to your neighbor, play a game with your siblings)
Day 18
Passage: Matthew 5:14
Practice: Serve— how can you bless someone today? Someone in your house or neighborhood? It doesn’t have to be extraordinary— it can be simple!
Prayer: Ask God for opportunities to be a light to someone today.
Day 19
Passage: Ephesians 2:10
Practice: Serve—how can you bless someone today? Someone in your house or neighborhood? It doesn’t have to be extraordinary— it can be simple!
Prayer: Thank God for how he has made you, with your different gifts and abilities. Pick a gift or ability in you, and use that to brighten someone’s day.
Day 20
Passage: Galatians 5:13
Practice: Serve—how can you bless someone today? Someone in your house or neighborhood? It doesn’t have to be extraordinary— it can be simple!
Prayer: Open up to God a time that you were angry, mad, frustrated, or confused about your current situation. Write it down, share or think about it. Give that over to God. Share with a friend.
Day 21
Passage: Philippians 2:4
Practice: Serve— how can you bless someone today? Someone in your house or neighborhood? It doesn’t have to be extraordinary— it can be simple!
Prayer: Ask God to help you see the interests of those around you, and for ways that you can put those interests ahead of yours.
Day 22
Passage: Hebrews 13:16
Practice: Serve— how can you bless someone today? Someone in your house or neighborhood? It doesn’t have to be extraordinary— it can be simple!
Prayer: Pray that God shows you opportunities to share what you have with those around you.
Day 23
Passage: Acts 20:35
Practice: Serve— how can you bless someone today? Someone in your house or neighborhood? It doesn’t have to be extraordinary— it can be simple!
Prayer: Ask God for ways that you can give to those around you, sharing the blessings that God has given you.
Practice for days 24-29: Prayer of Examen
This ancient prayer practice helps guide us to reflect on our day-to-day lives in the presence of God. During this practice, you simply review what you have been experiencing, feeling, or wondering in the form of a prayer to God while asking Him to reveal where His goodness, wisdom, and leadership may be present throughout your day or week.
Day 24
Passage: Matthew 11:28-30
Practice: Prayer of Examen: Think over the past few days. Are there areas of your life that make you tired or worn out? Talk to God about them and ask for His wisdom on how to live freely in the midst of that situation.
Prayer: Slow down and read these words as a prayer of your own: “God, I’m tired. I’m worn out. I don’t have the strength to face all the hard situations in my life. I don’t have the energy to meet all of the high expectations people have of me, and I don’t always feel like I measure up as a Christian either. But I choose to come to you anyways, and I receive your grace and your mercy. I need the rest and peace that only You provide. Would you help me find a real rest from all that makes me so tired? Would you teach me to live freely and lightly in your presence?”
Day 25
Passage: Matthew 6:25, 32, 33
Practice: Prayer of Examen: Think about the past day of your life. What have you been worrying about the most? Ask God to help you place your focus on Him in the midst of your worry.
Prayer: Slow down and read these words as a prayer of your own: “God, It is so easy for me to lose focus of You. I find myself worrying about all sorts of things in my life and I forget that I have a Father in Heaven who knows what I need and has promised to give me everything I need. God, You can have my worry. I trust you completely to take care of me.”
Day 26
Passage: Psalm 23
Practice: Prayer of Examen: Think about the past couple days of your life. Where have you been following God? Where have you been straying away? Commit to following God closely in the areas you have been straying.
Prayer: Slow down and read these words as a prayer of your own: “God you love me and guide me like a good shepherd. I am truly sorry for the ways I have strayed away from you. I know that you want what is best for me and I know that you want to keep me safe through tough times. I love you and I commit to stay close to you.”
Day 27
Passage: Psalm 91:1-3, 14-16
Practice: Prayer of Examen: Think about the past few days. Where have you felt like you were in trouble and in need of help? Be specific with God and invite him into your troubles by asking for help.
Prayer: Slow down and read these words as a prayer of your own: “God would you be my place of safety today? God I humbly ask for your protection during these days. God would you also be a place of safety for those who need you right now? We thank you for giving us your trust and shelter.”
Day 28
Passage: Isaiah 30:19
Practice: Prayer of Examen: Think about the past few days. Is there an area of your life that has lacked honesty with God? Take a few moments and tell Him your honest thoughts, recognizing that He is loving and kind.
Prayer: Pray for your loved ones, asking God to be their safety. Pray for yourself, asking God to be your refuge. Open your hands to God as you pray, and ask him for what you need.
Day 29
Passage: 1 Chronicles 16:34-35
Practice: Prayer of Examen: Think about the past few days. Where have you seen evidence of His goodness and kindness? Identify three things and praise Him specifically for them, saying, “God I thank you for _____”
Prayer: Slow down and read these words as a prayer of your own: “God, today I want to express gratitude. Thank you for your love. Thank you for your presence. You are a good, good Father and I trust in you. Would you help me to find goodness all around me? Would you help me to give thanks even now?”
Practice for day 30: Journaling
During this final day of this plan, we are going to take unrushed time to reflect on and write about what we have learned over the past 30 days.
Day 30
Passage: Choose a passage that sticks out to you from the previous 29 days to read again.
Practice: Journal: Write about what you have learned about yourself and about God over the past 30 days.
Pray: Enjoy unrushed time with God, asking for His wisdom as you continue through life and thanking Him for His love and grace for you.