Prayer Guide


There are so many ways to pray! Below the video you’ll find a structure for prayer that we have found to be helpful. It’s broken down into four steps: Pause, Rejoice, Ask, Yield. Simply walk through each step and have a conversation with yourself and God as you answer each of the questions, or write it down if you like to journal. If you’d like a more in depth look at how to do this, check out the video below from Luke!



“Be still and know that I am God…” Psalm 46:10

Ask these three questions:

  1. Where am I?

  2. What time is it?

  3. How am I doing?



“Our Father in Heaven, hallowed be your Name…” Matthew 6:9b

Ask these three questions:

  1. How have I seen God’s love?

  2. How have I seen God’s power?

  3. God is…

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“Your kingdom come, your will be done… give us this day, our daily bread.” Matthew 6:10-11

Ask these two questions:

  1. What small thing am I asking God to provide today?

  2. What big thing am I asking God for throughout this season of life?



“Forgive us our sins, as we have forgiven those who sin against us. And don’t let us yield to temptation, but rescue us from the evil one.” Matthew 6:12-13

Ask this question:

  1. How is God asking me to follow him today?



P.R.A.Y. Continued

Want to go deeper and build on P.R.A.Y.? Try these ideas below on ways that you can continue your prayer time with God:



  • Sit quietly with a candle for 5-10 minutes and pray, acknowledging the fact that God is with you.

  • Write out one of your favorite Bible verses on a notecard or sticky note. Pray about what this verse means.

  • Seek out moments and opportunities to pray when you normally would not or are bored (ex. Waiting in line, driving a car, riding in the car, shower, lunch break, riding on the bus, etc.)

  • Go on a nature walk and thank God for what is around you, the beauty of His creation.

  • Notice when you have an uncomfortable emotion this week. Pause. And then pray.


  • Listen to one of your favorite worship songs loudly, and let the words be your prayer!

  • Find a Bible verse that talks about thanksgiving or praise and use those words as your prayer throughout week.

  • Write a character attribute/characteristic of God down, thank God for who He is!

  • Tell someone how God has answered prayer in your life recently; God is good!

  • Think of a time you felt JOY this week, and write it down. Thank God for this joy!

  • Praise God through dance, painting, poetry, art, drawing…. Our creativity comes from God, our creator.

  • For a week, write down 3 things you feel grateful for as a prayer of thanksgiving to God.


  • Write the name of someone you are struggling/conflict with (family/friend) on a card and commit to praying for them. (put it in a place where you will see it often)

  • Think of a time you weren’t kind or got angry quickly; write it down (confess); throw it away and ask God for forgiveness.

  • Find a partner in your small group to share prayer requests with (could even be via text, Marco Polo, snapchat). Commit to praying for each other.

  • Take a walk around your neighborhood, and pray for your neighbors. “Love your neighbor as yourself.”

  • Think about a cause you care deeply about; pray for that cause and ask God how you can support it/them.

  • Text or snap a friend you haven’t heard from and ask how you can be praying for them (could use for live spiritual practice)

  • Write out your mountain. Pray for something BIG this week.


  • What do you need to surrender to God? Write it down. Share with someone. Pray together.

  • Write down a prayer for each day of the week and pray through them daily.

  • Pray the Lord’s Prayer before bedtime each night this week.

  • Romans 8:26-27 Read this and meditate on it. It is ok to not have the “right” words to pray.

  • Write a lament/psalm in your own words to God about what you are struggling with.

  • Turn your worries into a prayer to God (open your hands to God). Offer up each worry as a prayer.


Matthew 18:20, John 14:14, Matthew 7:7, Nehemiah 8:10, I Thessalonians 5:17, Psalm 13:1 ,Philippians 1:3-5