Sharing Your Faith
Sharing your faith can feel awkward or complicated. What if my friend thinks I am judging them? What if they ask a question I do not know the answer to? When Jesus commanded his disciples to go into the world and share the good news about who he is and what he has done, he also gave them a promise.
He said, “I am with you always.” Jesus knew that spreading his message when you do not how others may react would be challenging, but he is with you and will walk with you as you share your faith!
The incredible thing about sharing your faith is that you could change the life of someone you know forever just by being brave and sharing what Jesus has done in your life! That is an opportunity we hope you embrace!
Sharing Your Testimony
You can share your faith by letting someone know who Jesus is to you and how he changed your life. Below is some advice to help you with each step of sharing your faith. Read through each of these three steps, and if you’d like to learn a bit more, watch the video below from our friend Jake Bull.
1. Practice
Practice sharing your testimony by working through your answers to these questions
What was your life like before knowing Jesus?
What happened when you encountered Jesus?
What about your life has changed because you know Jesus?
Try to come up with as many answers to these questions as you can to build your confidence in sharing the many different ways Jesus has impacted your story.
2. Pray Consistently
Take consistent and intentional time in prayer asking God for opportunities to share your story with others. Pray for the people in your life who do not know Jesus; that you would have opportunity to share with them and that they would be receptive to hearing about Jesus when you do.
3. Embrace Awkwardness
The reality is, sharing your faith may not feel totally comfortable to you. If you wait until you feel 100% equipped, confident, and sure of your own abilities to articulate your story, that day may not ever come! God wants to work through your story, even if it feels awkward or uncomfortable. Do not wait for the nerves to go away, but trust God that He will move in the midst of your nerves or awkwardness to speak to the heart of the person you are sharing with.