The teenage years are not the easiest years to navigate. Now we have increased anxiety and depression like we have never experienced before in this generation. With social media use rising and coming out of the pandemic and acclimating to a new normal, teenagers are living in a world that is full of unexpected issues. If you would like some helpful tools to navigate stress and anxiety, we have collected some resources that we believe could help you and your teenager. Check out different ways to guide your teen in supportive ways through some challenging years!
Here are some articles that may help understand what your teen is facing and how to seek appropriate help:
Next are a few apps on your smartphone created to assist you and or your teenager in handling stress and anxiety:
This app is designed to help with experiencing better sleep, lower stress, and less anxiety.
This app provides mindfulness activities for kids in just a few minutes a day.
This app provides anxiety and stress management in helpful ways to access throughout your day.
Lastly, here are two pratices that your teen can try:
Deep Breathing Techniques
Often times the simple act of slowing down, paying attention to your breath, and taking in deeper and slower breaths will calm anxiety within just a few minutes. You can try “square breathing” or “4-7-9 breathing” as well. If you google each one, these are simple, helpful ways to gain calm after feeling anxious.
Often times moments or seasons of high stress or anxiety signal that the mind is full and overwhelmed. Taking 10-15 minutes to journal out some of the “mess” in the brain can really help to alleviate stress. You can also write out “5 things I am grateful for” at the end of the day. This can help to shift the brain into a more positive place before resting.