Home for the Holidays | 4 verses to pray over your household
Who could’ve imagined 2020 would shift the meaning of “home for the holidays”? For nine months our homes have worked overtime functioning as school, workplace and church. Our families have operated as co-workers and classmates. We’ve gained an up-close look into every facet of our family members and possibly learned new things about each other. Maybe some of those things we wish we didn’t know, like how is it possible to chew so noisily? Or when did breathing become so loud?
A few months ago, I suggested we venture out for a change of scenery. My fourteen-year-old son replied, “I don’t need a change of scenery. I need a change of people!” He pretty much summed up how we were all feeling. (We ventured out anyway, and it was good for us all!)
As we prepare to spend more time with each other at home over the holidays, I confess, my house feels too small. Tensions sometimes run high as we’re grieving all the things like losses of loved ones, unique holiday celebrations, cancelled sports seasons, struggling grades, and missed friends. Yet, I’m reminded this messy, confusing and chaotic world is why Jesus came. He entered our mess as Emmanuel–God with us. The world he walked into was hurting and filled with disappointment and grief too. He saw our pain and chose to walk with us through it, all the way to the cross.
This holiday season, I’m praying four verses over my household. When I feel frustrations surface and tensions rise, I breathe a prayer using the acronym H.O.M.E. I pray this will encourage you to focus on inviting Jesus into the midst of your sometimes messy, chaotic home too.
H – Healing Words
The tongue of the wise brings healing. Proverbs 12:18b
Jesus, help us hold our tongues. May we speak words of life and healing over each other. Help us think before we speak and may the words spoken in our homes honor you.
O – Overflowing hope, peace and joy
May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 15:13
Jesus, we trust you and the hope we have through your life, death and resurrection. Help us focus on this hope we have through you and fill our home with your peace and joy.
M – Mercy, love and justice
He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. Micah 6:8
Jesus, show us what it means to show mercy to each other. Fill us with your love for each other and the world around us. Teach us to walk justly and humbly before you.
E – Encouragement
Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing. 1 Thessalonians 5:11
Jesus, it’s sometimes all too easy to cut each other down. Forgive us for the ways we’ve hurt each other this year and not viewed each other as your beloved sons and daughters. Fill our home with encouragement and show us how to build each other up.
May your home be filled with the love and peace of Christ as you celebrate his birth together.
About the author:
Amelia Rhodes
Amelia Rhodes is an author, speaker, wife, and mom to two Lifeline students. She serves on the Ada Bible staff as the Cascade Campus Administrative Assistant and writes for Beyond the Weekend.