December 8- High School


What we’re learning this week:

This week, we have the pleasure of hearing from a student at each campus! These high school students have prayerfully prepared a sermon to bring to their peers at their campus! Check out campus-specific Bottom Lines and Scripture below!

Cascade Campus – Ivy Ries

Bottom Line: Experiments with faith can cause experiences in spiritual growth
Scripture: James 1:5-6 / Isaiah 30:21

East Paris Campus – Lily Evans

Bottom Line: How we live our lives looks different when we choose to follow God
Scripture: Romans 12:9-21

Kentwood Campus – Addison Kemerling

Bottom Line: Live like Jesus
Scripture: James 1

Knapp Street Campus – Beau Holmes

Bottom Line: Jesus died to give us freedom
Scripture: Mark 6-15

Car ride home questions:

Below are some questions you can ask your student about the teaching tonight as you help them unpack what they’ve been learning.

  1. I heard a student was teaching tonight! If you were teaching at Lifeline, what would you want to teach about?

  2. What was tonight’s teaching about? What was your takeaway?


Things to know:

  • We are encouraging our students to bring a physical bible to Lifeline this year! We’re going to be more intentional about opening it up and reading for ourselves as we walk through a teaching. If you our your student need assistance getting a bible, don’t hesitate to talk with our staff!

  • We have launched a new Grow resource page to help students take practical next steps in areas of their faith. Some are more devotional in nature while others are meant to be a bit more information to help grow their understanding. A student can walk through these alone or it could be something you go through with them. The current topics we have are all available here on our Grow page.

High SchoolAl Shepard