May 1 - Middle School


What we’re doing this week:

A question that all of us ask at some point is, “what difference can I make?” It’s a key question for each of us to ask as we look at the world around us, and notice the effect that we can personally have upon it. Paul argues in 2 Corinthians 5:20, that the key mission of the believer is to be an ambassador for Christ. Which means that the biggest difference that we can make in this world is to help those around us be reconciled to God.

Bottom Line: You are a messenger, capable of change.

Scripture: 2 Corinthians 5:13-21



Small Group:

Share one takeaway from Luke’s teaching and pick 2-3 questions to work through and talk about people we know who might need to hear about Jesus.

To close share prayer requests and pray together.

  • What does Paul mean when he says that he’s “out of his mind for God” in 2 Corinthians 5:13?

    • What does it mean to be crazy or “out of our minds” for Jesus and not just the idea of him?

    • How does this craze/love change who you are and what you do?

  • What are ways you can introduce others to Jesus and show them God's love through your actions and words, without it being weird?

  • Does it seem hard or scary to share your faith with somebody else? Why or why not?

    • What can we do to help it not be so difficult or scary?



Extra Info

  • Don’t forget about the Lifeline Leader Toolkit. To learn more about this, check out this information page.

  • If you’d ever like to reference the Lifeline handbook, we have a digital version of that available here on our website.

Middle SchoolAl Shepard