Welcome to the Grow Page


Below are a few things we have put together in the hopes of helping you deepen your relationship with Jesus and take some steps in your faith. This is currently just a small collection of 5 resources, but we have a ton more books, trainings, podcasts and more we’d love to connect you with. So if there is something you’re looking for that isn’t here, let us know! We’d love to get you connected with people and content that will help you grow in your faith.


Prayer Guide.

There are so many ways to pray. Try this structure for prayer that we have found to be helpful.

30 Day Devotional.

The Lifeline team has a 30 day plan that will guide you through reading, praying and practicing your faith.

Stress & Anxiety.

Ever feel anxious or stressed out? Take some time to learn how you can put stress and anxiety in it’s proper place.


Jesus calls his followers to be baptized. Click below To learn about baptism and what it means.


Sharing your faith.

Is it hard for you to talk about Jesus with others? Here’s a simply and easy way to get started.