February 7 - Middle School


What we’re learning this week:

Why do people read the Bible? Some people read the Bible out of religious duty, while others read the Bible because their parents or authority figures have told them to. Some read the Bible to intensely study the history of Israel and claims of Christ and some people have no clue why they read their Bible. It’s difficult to stick to the habit of reading the Bible when we do not have a clear “why” to reading the Bible. Tonight, we will highlight that the entire Bible anticipates, highlights, and builds its’ foundation on Jesus and that the best “Why” for understanding the Bible is to get to know Jesus and begin a relationship with Him.

Bottom Line: The Bible is about Jesus and Jesus changes everything.

Scripture: 1 Corinthians 15:1-7, John 20:30-31



Small Group Discussion

Go over the key verse for the series (Same one from “the story of God” series!), discuss 1-3 of the small group questions, make a plan with your group to read the book of John this month and close in prayer – Consider having students pair up and pray for each other as they read the Bible this week.

Key Verse: All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realize what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. 2 Timothy 3:16

  • Are any of you interested in joining the Short Term Group about prayer? (For those interested, encourage them to talk to their parents tonight to sign them up)

  • What reasons have you had for reading the Bible in the past? Have those reasons helped you keep up with the habit of getting into the Bible?

  • Do you have a Bible of your own? Where do you keep it? How often do you read it? Is there anything you can do to make it easier for you to open up the Bible?

  • What are your biggest obstacles to reading your Bible? – I will read an obstacle and just raise your hand if you can relate!

    • My life is too busy

    • I get too easily distracted by my phone or video games

    • I don’t know where to start

    • I don’t have a Bible

    • I just don’t want to



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