January 22 - Middle School


What we’re learning this week:

Why does Jesus often seem difficult to find? Why do some people seem to talk about him like he’s a close friend while others struggle to understand who he is and why he matters? This week, students will learn that Jesus wants to be discovered by them and will be encouraged to continually get to know him in Scripture and prayer.

Bottom Line: Jesus wants you to know him.
Scripture:  John 10:14-18



Small Group Time:

Make sure to return to the Walking Like Jesus guide! Ask your students how it’s going and what they are learning as they go through it! Since this week is about prayer, end your group by going around and having everyone pray that they could get to know Jesus better this week. Encourage your group that if they are nervous, they can keep it simple!

  1. Would you say you are satisfied with your prayer life? Why or why not?

  2. What would you say is a barrier to your prayer life? Time? Distraction? Inconsistency? Not knowing where to start? Or something else?

  3. Did you go through the guide this week? What did you learn about Jesus that you can share with the group?

  4. End the group by going around the circle and having everyone pray that you as a group could get to know Jesus better this week.



Next week preview:

Is following Jesus just a list of do’s and don’ts or is it having a relationship with Jesus? Next week, we will explore how these two ideas go hand in hand as students will learn that the fruits of the Spirit often come from the roots of relationship with Jesus. 


Extra Info

  • Don’t forget about the Lifeline Leader Toolkit. To learn more about this, check out this information page.

  • If you’d ever like to reference the Lifeline handbook, we have a digital version of that available here on our website.

Middle SchoolAl Shepard