March 2 - High School


What we’re learning this week:

Tonight we are going to walk through the perspective of Jairus’ story. We are going to ask ourselves questions that he faced, that we may face today. We are going to learn that though the world draws us to doubt God, God gives us the command to not be afraid  just believe.

Bottom Line:  Though the world draws us to doubt God, God commands us to not be afraid just believe.
Scripture: Mark 5:21-43



Small Group Time:

This week is a discussion night! Our students are going to have a chance to dive deep into scripture, learn to put themselves into the shoes of the main character, and ask themselves questions that Jairus himself faced. Here are the questions that you will be discussing throughout the teaching. 


  • Discussion 1

    • Conspiracy theories you believe in, any that you are appalled by, or any of these that I mentioned that you may have never heard before. 

  • Discussion 2

    • Take the next few minutes and discuss with your group the area of your life you feel stuck waiting on God's timing, or a moment in the past you had to wait on God's timing? (10 Minutes) When you are done, move on to reading Mark 5:33-34.

  • Discussion 3

    • What are you struggling with jealousy over? Or what in your past have you been jealous about?

  • Discussion 4

    • Read Mark 5: 37-43

    • Take a moment to discuss with your groups why you are drawn to Jesus?



Next week preview:

Next week we will be having a “One on One” night. This is a time for you as leaders to have quality one-on-one time with each student in your small group. We will provide you with questions to guide this time, but ultimately this is time for you and your students to connect through quality time.


Extra Info

  • Don’t forget about the Lifeline Leader Toolkit. To learn more about this, check out this information page.

  • If you’d ever like to reference the Lifeline handbook, we have a digital version of that available here on our website.

High SchoolAl Shepard