November 17 - High School


What we’re learning this week:

It is the final week of our “Not Normal” teaching series! As we conclude this series about relationships, sexuality, and going against the norms of the greater culture around us, we are going to focus on the extravagant grace of Jesus. When the religious leaders bring a woman caught in adultery to Jesus, he shows her his perfect grace and love in a moment when she felt shame and brokenness. Students will be reminded that Jesus has given us the gift of his love, which unlike the often conditional love experienced from others. This week is an invite night and students are encouraged to bring a new friend to experience Lifeline!

Bottom Line:  The love of Jesus changes everything.
Scripture:  John 8:1-11; Galatians 2:20-21



Small Group Time:

There are likely two different groups of students who will be represented tonight: The first group will need to be challenged not to “live by law” and judge those who are “caught in sin”. The second group will need to be reminded of God’s radical love for them! Prayerfully consider where your group is at as you lean into this final discussion of the series!

  1. As we unpack this story of Jesus and the woman, which phrase would you say is most true about how your experience relates? I will read the phrases twice. The first time, just listen to what each of them are… and then the second time, raise your hand based on which one you relate to most and then explain why you relate to it. 

    1. I have often felt harshly judged because of something that I did or peoples’ perception of me.

    2. I often feel like God is disappointed in me because of the decisions I've made.

    3. I have a tendency to judge or get really frustrated by those who are in sin. 

    4. If I'm being honest, I sometimes enjoy the drama of someone being found out or exposed for something they’ve done.

  2. If you’re a follower of Jesus, when did you first begin to understand Christ’s unconditional love for you? Share with your group.

  3. The next time you sin, what is something you can do within 60 seconds after you sin to remind yourself of the love and grace of Jesus for you? Be specific and try to follow through with this.

  4. Is there something specific that God is calling you to believe or adjust in your life based on the conversations we have had during this series?



Next week preview:

Next week is our night of prayer! This is a night of Lifeline dedicated to praying as a large group, in small groups, and individually. We will be going through different Psalms in effort to guide students through this gift of a prayer book in the middle of our Bibles. Students will pray for the world, their community, and each other as we go through the Psalms together.


Extra Info

  • Don’t forget about the Lifeline Leader Toolkit. To learn more about this, check out this information page.

  • If you’d ever like to reference the Lifeline handbook, we have a digital version of that available here on our website.

High SchoolAl Shepard