October 16 - Middle School


What we’re learning this week:

As we begin our 3-week series where we explore exactly what Jesus said about relationships, we begin by talking about the very foundation of love itself. The foundation of love itself is God’s love for us in sending Jesus to redefine us today and forever. Students will be reminded that living into the love of Jesus instead of defining love by other means will lead to them having fulfilled and purposeful lives.

Bottom Line:  You are defined by the One who loved you first.
Scripture: John 3:16-17, 1 John 4:19, Romans 5:8



Small Group Time:

As we begin a series focused on relationships, we recognize that every individual student has very unique and specific questions related to this topic. While this series will accomplish speaking into the overarching themes of relationships, the specific application of how these teachings play out on a practical level will depend on your small group leadership!

  1. As we are beginning a series about relationships and sexuality, write down any questions that you have about these kinds of conversations! This will be anonymous, but I want to help with whatever you’re wondering about!

  2. Tonight we talked about the variety of things we can try to get our identity from– what would you say you try to get your personal value or identity from right now?

  3. What are some of the “warning signs” in your life that you might be getting your identity from the wrong things?

  4. What is one thing you learned about Jesus tonight?



Next week preview:

During this teaching, we will visit Jesus in three specific scenes from the book of Matthew where he speaks to the topic of love, sexuality, and relationships. Each scene shows us something unique and important about these topics: That the sin we battle is a big deal,, that Jesus affirms God’s design for sex and marriage, and that Jesus moved toward all people offering them love and forgiveness no matter their past.


Extra Info

  • Don’t forget about the Lifeline Leader Toolkit. To learn more about this, check out this information page.

  • If you’d ever like to reference the Lifeline handbook, we have a digital version of that available here on our website.

Middle SchoolAl Shepard