September 27 - Middle School

The realities of the broken world we live in are very real. We see the impact of sin around the world, in our households, and in our own hearts. During this teaching, we will explore what God’s people did to pay for their wrong throughout the Old Testament, what Jesus did in paying the price for our sins, and what we can do to respond to Jesus’ death on our behalf.

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Middle SchoolAl Shepard
September 24 - High School

This week is a discussion night! This is time set aside to open our Bible, engage in conversation, and grow closer to Jesus, not only as listeners, but as participants! In our conversation about the fruits of the spirit, students will discuss two “weeds” that could choke our growth towards being who God has called us to be: Legalism and Sinful Nature. In talking about both of these extremes, we will remember that both need the truth of the Gospel.

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High SchoolAl Shepard
September 20 - Middle School

As we continue our series about the story of God, we will explore how Adam and Eve were deceived into disobeying God and students will be reminded that we have an enemy who wants to disrupt our pursuit of God. The good news is that God had a plan to move toward the brokenness – He still moves towards the brokenness today.

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Middle SchoolAl Shepard
September 17 - High School

You can know something with your brain without continuously taking the time to get to know it. It’s the same with the Holy Spirit; while our students might kind of, sort of, understand who the Holy Spirit is, we believe that we are called to continuously get to know Him. During this series, we will get to know who He is and explore what it looks like to spend time with Him.

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High SchoolAl Shepard
September 13 - Middle School

The Bible is a big book and can feel challenging to understand, but did you know it tells one story? During this series, we will look at each major scene of the story and, use the animal that represents that scene as a visual to show our students that they can understand the story of God!

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Middle SchoolAl Shepard