February 2 - High School


What we’re learning this week:

As we’re getting into 2025, we’ve been taking some time to consider who we want to be in the new year. This week, we will have a conversation about applying our beliefs to our everyday lives. King Solomon is said to the wisest person to ever live, yet his wisdom did not result in faithfulness to God; why is this? Because he didn’t apply the wisdom of God to his life. As we close the page in the first month of the year, a question we must ask ourselves is… Does the wisdom of God actually direct my life?

Bottom Line:  Wisdom that is not applied to your life looks a lot like foolishness.
Scripture:  1 Kings 4:29-34, 11:1-8 ; Proverbs 3:5,13:20



Small Group Time:

This conversation could be a big one for the students in your group! Get practical and work to help them identify where in their life God’s wisdom does not play much of a role! Also… we’re in baptism sign up season! Please get your students signed up if they’re interested. www.lifelinestudents.org/baptism

  1. Are there specific areas of your life that you have not yet allowed God’s wisdom to direct? I’m going to read a list about the different areas of your life – if you’d say God’s wisdom directs that area of your life, hold up a thumbs up. If you’d say you haven’t allowed God’s wisdom to direct that area of your life yet, give me a thumbs down!

    1. God’s wisdom directs my friendships

    2. God’s wisdom directs my relationship with my family

    3. God’s wisdom directs my dating relationship

    4. God’s wisdom directs my school or work life

    5. God’s wisdom directs my finances

    6. God’s wisdom directions my physical health and wellness

    7. God’s wisdom directs my emotional or mental health and wellness

    8. God’s wisdom directs my phone uses or media choices

  2. Of the list I just read through, which one do you feel most motivated to allow God’s wisdom to direct and why? 

  3. If you were meeting with a friend who was struggling and they said they wanted to live by God’s wisdom… what steps would you recommend that they take to do that?

Pair up and share one step you want to take to apply tonight’s teaching and conversation to your life… and then pray for each other!



Next week preview:

We are off for the Super Bowl next week! After the Super Bowl, we will be back for a 3 week series called Doubt where we address some of the common doubts and questions submitted by High School students.


Extra Info

  • Don’t forget about the Lifeline Leader Toolkit. To learn more about this, check out this information page.

  • If you’d ever like to reference the Lifeline handbook, we have a digital version of that available here on our website.

High SchoolAl Shepard