October 25 - Middle School

During this next portion of Jacob’s life we find him on the run, fearful for his life and separate from the community. This is what sin does within our stories, it leads to division and separation within our relationships, both with people and God. When we feel like what we’ve done or what we’re going through has separated us from God’s presence, we need to turn our heads, look up, and remember that God is always with us.

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Middle SchoolAl Shepard
October 22- High School

Have you ever come across a situation or season of life that caused you to ask God, “Where are you?” During this series, we will talk about the life circumstances that cause us to ask questions like this and explore the answers. We will learn that drawing near to in all times is what we were made to do.

As we begin this series, each campus has the chance to hear from a Lifeline student! Here are the topics that will be covered at each campus!

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High SchoolAl Shepard
October 18 - Middle School

As we begin our series on Jacob, we will explore the most well known part of his journey: when he deceives his father and steals the blessing from his brother. Based on this story, you’d be surprised that Jacob would be a recipient of God’s promises and a foundation of His blessing! But God uses broken people to do beautiful things.

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Middle SchoolAl Shepard
October 15 - High School

Lifeline is not meeting this week as we’ll be getting back from our weekend retreat! We hope everyone has a great night and we’ll plan to see you back on October 22nd to launch our new teaching series called: Where is God When____?

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High SchoolAl Shepard
October 11 - Middle School

As we conclude our series through the Bible, we will explore the exciting conclusion of the story of God: Jesus is victorious. Not only did Jesus prove His power over sin and death by rising from the dead, he also promises to come back and reign forever. The final scene of the Bible shows us that the love of God is stronger than death and that when Jesus reigns forever, he will set everything right.

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Middle SchoolAl Shepard
October 8 - High School

Tonight is One on one night, which is an opportunity for HS students to have a quick one on one conversation with their small group leader. This will help the small group leader hear about how they are doing, where they are at in life and in faith, and how we as a ministry can help them grow! While leaders are meeting with their students, the other students will have an opportunity to connect with other HS students before/after their one on one time.

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High SchoolAl Shepard
October 4 - Middle School

As we work through the New Testament and read about the early Jesus followers, we are going to learn about some of the tensions between the Jewish Jesus followers and the Gentiles who were interested in following Jesus. Through a vision about unclean animals, God confronts Peter’s favoritism and tells him to welcome Cornelius (a Gentile) into the family of God. As we walk through the story, some students will be challenged to invite people into God’s family, while others will be reminded that if they have felt counted out by others, God still welcomes them to Himself!

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Middle SchoolAl Shepard
October 1 - High School

As we conclude our intro series for the year, we will look at the difference between knowing God as an observer and knowing Him as His child. Student’s will be reminded that the relationship that God has made possible with us is one of security, intimacy, dependence, and gratitude. Students who have been keeping God at a distance will be challenged to claim their identity as children of God!

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High SchoolAl Shepard
September 27 - Middle School

The realities of the broken world we live in are very real. We see the impact of sin around the world, in our households, and in our own hearts. During this teaching, we will explore what God’s people did to pay for their wrong throughout the Old Testament, what Jesus did in paying the price for our sins, and what we can do to respond to Jesus’ death on our behalf.

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Middle SchoolAl Shepard
September 24 - High School

This week is a discussion night! This is time set aside to open our Bible, engage in conversation, and grow closer to Jesus, not only as listeners, but as participants! In our conversation about the fruits of the spirit, students will discuss two “weeds” that could choke our growth towards being who God has called us to be: Legalism and Sinful Nature. In talking about both of these extremes, we will remember that both need the truth of the Gospel.

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High SchoolAl Shepard
September 20 - Middle School

As we continue our series about the story of God, we will explore how Adam and Eve were deceived into disobeying God and students will be reminded that we have an enemy who wants to disrupt our pursuit of God. The good news is that God had a plan to move toward the brokenness – He still moves towards the brokenness today.

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Middle SchoolAl Shepard
September 17 - High School

You can know something with your brain without continuously taking the time to get to know it. It’s the same with the Holy Spirit; while our students might kind of, sort of, understand who the Holy Spirit is, we believe that we are called to continuously get to know Him. During this series, we will get to know who He is and explore what it looks like to spend time with Him.

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High SchoolAl Shepard