February 21 - Middle School
As we enter into two weeks of intentional focus on serving others, we will be reminded of the important truth that each of us are created, called, and gifted to serve. So we are going to take a week to focus our attention on why serving is important and then take a week to serve the greater community through our partnership with hand to hand!
In Scripture, we see story after story of God using people to bless others! That plan of creating, calling, and gifting people to serve continues today as we see the people in our lives who need help! During this teaching, we will look at these three powerful truths about serving others and be reminded that the lifestyle of serving others that God calls us to and that Jesus modeled on earth is possible.
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February 18 - High School
As we enter into two weeks of intentional focus on serving others, we will be reminded of the important truth that each of us are created, called, and gifted to serve. So we are going to take a week to focus our attention on why serving is important and then take a week to serve the greater community through our partnership with hand to hand!
In Scripture, we see story after story of God using people to bless others! That plan of creating, calling, and gifting people to serve continues today as we see the people in our lives who need help! During this teaching, we will look at these three powerful truths about serving others and be reminded that the lifestyle of serving others that God calls us to and that Jesus modeled on earth is possible.
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February 14 - Middle School
It’s obvious that we are supposed to read the Bible, but what exactly do we do with it? When Jesus was preparing to go to the cross, He prayed for His disciples saying, “Sanctify them by the truth; your word is truth.” As we conclude our series about the Bible, we will dig into what Jesus’ prayer means for us today: That God’s truth is meant to be learned and lived.
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February 7 - Middle School
Why do people read the Bible? Some people read the Bible out of religious duty, while others read the Bible because their parents or authority figures have told them to. Some read the Bible to intensely study the history of Israel and claims of Christ and some people have no clue why they read their Bible. It’s difficult to stick to the habit of reading the Bible when we do not have a clear “why” to reading the Bible. Tonight, we will highlight that the entire Bible anticipates, highlights, and builds its’ foundation on Jesus and that the best “Why” for understanding the Bible is to get to know Jesus and begin a relationship with Him.
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February 4 - High School
One on one night is an opportunity for HS students to have a quick one on one conversation with their small group leader. This will help the small group leader hear about how they are doing, where they are at in life and in faith, and how we as a ministry can help them grow! While leaders are meeting with their students, the other students will have an opportunity to connect with other HS students before/after their one on one time.
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January 31 - Middle School
Let’s be honest, consistently reading the Bible can be challenging. We are distracted, we get confused, and we fill our lives with other activities. We believe that the Bible is the word of God and we want to help our students build the habit of reading it! So tonight, we are going to take a break from our regularly scheduled preaching and hear from people from our campus as they share what has helped them engage in the habit of Bible reading and what they have learned from studying it!
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January 28 - High School
Is Christianity a relationship? Or a religion? Or both? Or neither? As we continue this series about journeying with God each day, we will discuss the differences between relationship and religion and why it’s wise to recognize the value of both. The reality is, the God of the Bible offers us relationships where there are clearly defined ways He has asked His people to live.
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January 24 - Middle School
As we continue our series about reading the Bible, students will learn the meaning of three important words to remember as they approach Bible reading: Context, Spirit, and Action. When we understand the background of a passage, open ourselves up to God speaking to us through Bible, and allow God to use it to change us from the inside out, we will see that the Bible is not just another book, but is God’s Word.
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January 21 - High School
We were made to walk with God; and while it can be easy to reduce our spiritual journey to habits, rituals, and head knowledge, all of those things are the means to understanding the God who loves us and developing our relationship with Him! As we begin 2024, we will explore what it means to walk with God each and every day. Each of the teachings during this series will involve a component of practicing spending time with God in the session space!
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January 17 - Middle School
What’s the big deal with the Bible? It seems like most sermons in church or Lifeline end up being a strong encouragement to read the Bible – but why? During this series, we will explore the importance of building a habit of reading and understanding the story of God. Students will be challenged to open up God’s Word for themselves.
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January 14 - High School
We were made to walk with God; and while it can be easy to reduce our spiritual journey to habits, rituals, and head knowledge, all of those things are the means to understanding the God who loves us and developing our relationship with Him! As we begin 2024, we will explore what it means to walk with God each and every day. Each of the teachings during this series will involve a component of practicing spending time with God in the session space!
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Winter Break
We’re on break!
It has been an amazing first semester and we are so thankful for everyone in the Lifeline family. We hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and New Years and we eagerly await the return of weekly Lifeline program in January. High School Lifeline resumes January 14, and Middle School Lifeline resumes January 17.
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