December 13 - Middle School

It’s Christmas time! And we are excited to not only celebrate the season with a night of fun, but also with a night of focus; focus on the one who brought hope, joy, love, and peace when he arrived: Jesus! When we see the response of the shepherds, we will be reminded to witness Jesus’ involvement in our lives and tell others about Him as well.

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Middle SchoolAl Shepard
December 6 - Middle School

We are excited to hear from students and leaders at each campus! Over these two weeks, we will get to hear from people from our campus who have prayerfully put together a sermon of their own to share with their peers. This week, each campus gets to hear from a student who has been working to put together their sermon for over a month.

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Middle SchoolAl Shepard
December 3 - High School

During this week of High School Lifeline, students and volunteers at each campus will spend most of the evening in prayer. Lifeline staff will walk the campus through a variety of different prayer exercises and practices to spend time with God as a Lifeline community. We are focusing our night on prayer because we don’t want to take for granted the privilege of getting to know the God who made us and loves us!

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High SchoolAl Shepard
November 29 - Middle School

We are excited to hear from students and leaders at each campus! Over these two weeks, we will get to hear from people from our campus who have prayerfully put together a sermon of their own to share with their peers. This week, each campus gets to hear from a student who has been working to put together their sermon for over a month.

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Middle SchoolAl Shepard
November 19 - High School

During this week of High School Lifeline, students and volunteers at each campus will spend most of the evening in prayer. Lifeline staff will walk the campus through a variety of different prayer exercises and practices to spend time with God as a Lifeline community. We are focusing our night on prayer because we don’t want to take for granted the privilege of getting to know the God who made us and loves us!

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High SchoolAl Shepard
November 15 - Middle School

As we conclude this series, we will look at a few of the last scenes of his life all the way to his passing. Right before Jacob dies, he takes time to bless his children and tell them of God’s goodness. In fact. This is the very thing that Jacob is honored for in the New Testament. Jacob’s blessing to his sons shows us that in the ups and downs of our journey, we will be imperfect, but we can tell the story of the perfect God.

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Middle SchoolAl Shepard
November 12 - High School

Some people talk about encountering God’s presence in power and it can cause us to wonder, “Is something wrong with me?” or “why don’t I feel God in THAT way?” Comparing our experiences with others can cause us to wonder, “Where is God when I don’t feel His presence?” During this conversation, students will be reminded that while there are times God communicates in tangible and powerful ways, He also invites us on a journey of having faith, even when He seems far.

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High SchoolAl Shepard
November 8 - Middle School

Picture this: your brother vowed that he was going to kill you and you ran away from your family… 20 years pass, and you prepare to see your brother for the first time since he made that promise. As we continue the story of Jacob, we will look at what Jacob did in his fear and worry and learn what we should do in ours!

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Middle SchoolAl Shepard
November 5 - High School

This week we will get to hear from Jettie Hanegraaff who is on staff, leading over at the Knapp Street campus. She’s going to look at the question “Where is God when I experience loss?” and how God can be working even in these hard times of our lives through many things like the Bible, our friends and nature.

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High SchoolAl Shepard
November 1 - Middle School

As we continue the story of Jacob, we witness one of the most bizarre scenes in his whole story: When he wrestled with God. When we walk through the story, we will see what happens when this man encounters God: He is given a new identity and is changed forever; why? Because God chose weakness to allow Jacob to be victorious. In the same way, God became weak by dying on the cross to redefine us and change us forever.

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Middle SchoolAl Shepard
October 29 - High School

Have you ever come across a situation or season of life that caused you to ask God, “Where are you?” During this series, we will talk about the life circumstances that cause us to ask questions like this and explore the answers. We will learn that drawing near to in all times is what we were made to do.

As we continue this series, each campus has the chance to hear from a Lifeline volunteer! Here are the topics that will be covered at each campus!

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High SchoolAl Shepard