November 13 - Middle School

This week we will be taking a look at the story of Jesus cleansing the Leper of his spots. We will take time unpacking the story, to see the true loving and welcoming nature that Jesus offers. We will then look into our own lives to see what spots we might have. Things like not feeling good enough for Jesus, not feeling like me know enough, or maybe that we just aren't fully committed to our faith. These spots tell us to keep Jesus at arm’s length. But we see how Jesus treats the leper and we gain clarity for how He will treat us. Jesus cares more about you than your spots!

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Middle SchoolAl Shepard
November 10 - High School

It’s discussion night!! This is our students’ opportunity to engage in the teaching content and discuss the teaching in real time. This week’s conversation is about influence. Students will learn that in their relationships and their entire lives, God has given them an opportunity to influence the world around them towards Him with their speech, conduct, love, faith, and purity.

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High SchoolAl Shepard
November 6 - Middle School

This is week one of our series Blind, Sick, and Dead. Tonight, we will be looking at the story where Jesus restores Bartimaeus’ sight. We will be using the story to learn more about Jesus and also answer the question ‘How do I follow Jesus in my day to day life’. We will be looking at our spiritual blindness, as it seems to get in the way of us following Jesus in our day to day. Just as Jesus restored Bartimaeus’ blindness, Jesus can also restore our spiritual blindness! Ending with a list of ways students can follow Jesus in their day to day life. (spiritual practice to close)

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Middle SchoolAl Shepard
November 3 - High School

We will be hearing from 3 leaders at each campus as they answer questions about relationships, sexuality, and following Jesus. They will be tackling topics like God’s grace, God’s calling in our lives, and how we should view relationships as Jesus followers.

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High SchoolAl Shepard
October 30 - Middle School

As we conclude our teaching series about relationships, Cori Olsson (Lifeline’s Director of Operations) will be talking to our students about how Jesus has called his followers to function in all relationships they have. As followers of Jesus, we are called to look out for and humbly serve those in our midst; while this may apply to future dating relationships and marriage relationships, students can begin putting this into practice today with how they treat their friends, family, and others.

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Middle SchoolAl Shepard
October 27 - High School

As we continue our Not Normal teaching series, we will discuss the common misconception that we often live into: That God only cares about the spiritual part of our lives. This belief can cause us to diminish sexual sin, dismiss God’s calling on our lives, and place our faith journey into a smaller box than it was ever intended to be placed in. Students will be reminded that because God created us and redeemed us, we are called to follow him with all of us.

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High SchoolAl Shepard
October 23 - Middle School

Did you know that Jesus himself specifically addressed issues of love and relationships? During this teaching, we will visit Jesus in three specific scenes from the book of Matthew where he speaks to the topic of love, sexuality, and relationships. Each scene shows us something unique and important about these topics: That the sin we battle is a big deal and it’s wise to make a plan about it, that Jesus affirms God’s design for sex and marriage, and that Jesus moved toward all people offering them love and forgiveness no matter their past.

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Middle SchoolAl Shepard
October 20 - High School

As we begin our series about relationships and sexuality, we will look at the story of Joseph in the Old Testament. Joseph had hundreds of reasons to go his own way and sin against God. In walking through Joseph's background and the cultural norms of his day, students will be asked to consider the many reasons why they would have to go their own way. Students will be compelled to begin this series with a commitment to trust God and align themselves with His ways just like Joseph did.

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High SchoolAl Shepard
October 16 - Middle School

As we begin our 3-week series where we explore exactly what Jesus said about relationships, we begin by talking about the very foundation of love itself. The foundation of love itself is God’s love for us in sending Jesus to redefine us today and forever. Students will be reminded that living into the love of Jesus instead of defining love by other means will lead to them having fulfilled and purposeful lives.

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Middle SchoolAl Shepard
October 9 - Middle School

Tonight we will be looking at Mark’s account of Jesus calming the storm in order to understand who it is we pray to! This story shows us several characteristics about Christ that will aid our ability to trust him and give him control. We will cover how Jesus cares for us and whenever he is in control, the result is peace. 

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Middle SchoolAl Shepard
October 6 - High School

As we conclude our Theology for Regular Folks series, this week’s discussion night is about the church. While it’s common to perceive the church as merely an event that you go to, God’s idea of the church is that it would be a family that His people are a part of. Students will be challenged and encouraged to fully engage in the family of God by seeing themselves as a key part of God’s kingdom here and now!

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High SchoolAl Shepard
October 2 - Middle School

Tonight’s teaching will be looking at the crowd’s interaction with Jesus after he feeds the 5000. We’ll be learning how sometimes our prayers to Jesus can become “transactional”. This type of prayer actually gives us less than a relational prayer. The crowd came to the Son of God and only asked for bread.

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Middle SchoolAl Shepard